post-human gofood
martabak tosca
perkedel basah
puntung snoop dogg
visa amerika
free jazz
poet box malna
zoom in handycam
siesta in blanket
nuklir bangkit
tapi kamu belum
o abang taruh saja
dan genderang perang
yang kupesan tadi
di dalam tasku
selagi aku tidur
menghadap kiri
satu pagi lagi
sebelum dunia
menggunting pita
post manusia
this is how i eat my lunch:
xiaomi redmi rebah
samping mangkok bakso
scrolling the field by martin glaz serup
dengan telunjuk kiriku
mata terbelah antara puisi dan makanan
what’s eat the meek
when you savoring the taste
format makan begini nambah nikmat 100x
and i don’t let people tell me how to eat
kemudian, kemudian
grey clouds rolling in
minutes later heavy rain fell
along with thunder so ruthless
i’m covering both side of my ear
with daft punk’s rollin’ & scratchin’
still the roar seeped in sometimes
and everybody screamed: astaghfirullahalazim!
but i didn’t, i took the roar as a texture
to this rhythm of spiky brutal-house
to this rhythm of my spoon
membelah-belah bakso
to these rhythm of martin’s
anthropomorphized contemplation
of modern life anxiety
they could call me kafir
or anything they want
but when i’m done with my lunch
aku tahak and said: alhamdulillah,
bakso ini enak sekali!
when i’m pretty sure they didn’t
pray the same after-meal!
this is how i eat my lunch
di dalam warung bakso pak tino
ketika langit robek bolong-bolong
dan tak menampakkan surga
yang dijanjikan di baliknya
hanya ada kelabu dan laut keruh
yang masih deras meluncur
kepalaku rebah pada tas di meja
memejam mata sebentar
tapi malah mampus 30 menit
sebelum kemudian terbangun
mendapati hujan belum reda barang sedikit
tower-sized nail trimmer
this morning i found a dazzling piece of
gorgeous neo-industrial afrizalian folk
after hours of manic-digging on youtube
still i’m willing to split my earphone in two
even though this piece is in stereo
kuselip satu di balik hijabmu, dah tuh
apa sih yang nggak buat kamu
jalan-jalan juga hayuk
ke trotoar sudirman mau gak?
nontonin langit merintih dicakar gedung
orang kaya cuma doyan duit
but they always refused to
cut the sharp nails of their tower
with a tower-sized nail trimmer!
payah, giliran nanti langit nangis
dua hari dua malam gak henti
banjir nyabotase ekonomi
barulah mereka nunjuk satu sama lain
siapa mesti disalahin!
dan benar aja, langit mulai nangis
ngedorong jatuh rintik-rintik
yang nusuk pedestrian in love seperti kita
tapi hangat apit tanganmu
reminds me of hot americano
dari beans kebun tektonik bawah laut
eh gak usah buru-buru neduh
aku bawa payung kita bisa balik
sambil ujan-ujanan pakai earphone sebelahan
and listening to this neo-industrial afrizalian folk
i found this morning on youtube
i prayed our days would always immortalized in sounds!
sebelum hutan hujan
my feet stuck tight-locked in a tar pit
and she keep on running
air menggumpal jadi awan
listrik lompat ke awan
jadi api
and she keep on running
entering the woods
a scream chasing her through the woods
will it reach her there i have no clue
as every clue dissolved in this sea of dark oil
but she keep on running
footsteps running running
until i saw her silhouette floating
right from atop of one of the trees
into the sky vertically
kemudian gerimis
mulai deras gerimis
clouds became more and more heavy
demi kurangi muatan, api harus pergi
lompat ke tanah
jadi listrik
and my feet are still stuck somebody help me
o please, aphrodite, plea-
(last thing i saw is her, sitting at the top of a horse-shaped lightning,
striking up from above straight into my body: aku rata gosong terbakar
habis mati berdiri di tengah tar pit)
february blues
: by akamsi salihara
i gazed upon salihara’s back wall
lumut berjuntai berjatuhan
februari: pilih omicron atau pesta
kurasa akamsi pada sakit
yang cantik bulan ini pada flu
big thief took us back to 70’s
will somebody shoot kanye this year?
temenin yuk sayang travel in vehicle
looking for joni
the goddess has fled politically
boomer aja ngerti spotify eksploitatif
masa kita yang muda gak mau bikin atau cari alternatif?
<driver is calling you>
“halo pak iya saya di gang mawar / o masuk gang kecil samping teater salihara pak / belokan pertama kiri,
mentok kiri lagi, saya di tangga berundak belakang gedung / oke-oke yoo pak”
puff sebat sambil baca zine boemipoetra
aku cuma anak bawang yang lagi gambar
peta sastra indonesia
dalam kepala
menyelidiki sejarah biar gak salah arah
tuhan tatap erat tahun ini aku melangkah
<mas adib ya?>
xanny town in tablecloth
: for mikael johani
piring, air, boti basi
everybody owes me a dance
love is that smell of her bob hair
he wish he had a vinyl he could skate away on like portishead did
aku mati suri dalam prosa swagstrawi
ginseng strip, airplane mode, jbl-go
gotan mati suri dalam tetris
drink to me drink to my health itu kata-kata affandi atau picasso dah? aku gak apal-apal nama pelukis
baby i’m a reinvented saut speedy
sunset di xanny town gak ada poser anarchist!
ayang video call-nya besok aja ya wajahku mencair
“check that expiration date of your junkie juice, man, it’s faster than you think!” sahut seorang samawi di gerbang crackhouse post-samawi
you can enjoy yourself, i can enjoy myself, move that swing:
arkan simatupang melesat
tegak lurus menembus langit
dan aku gak ikhlas kalau ia mendarat di bekasi.
WOW, i love these!